Reasons Why Christianity is True
Lack of Evidence for Evolution
Creation Science 101
Rightly Dividing Repentance
Jerusalem Tour of All the Holy Sites! Temple, Mt. of Olives, Gethsemane, Church of Holy Sepulchre
Sodom & Gomorrah Location, New Archaeological Discoveries, Example of Coming Judgement, Abraham, Lot
What to Do if you Miss the Rapture?
Peter Ruckman - Where Do The Dead Go?
Amazing 12 Gem Stones found in Rev 21:19-20 - A Biblical/Scientific explanation by David Pawson
Bible Study: Science Proves the Bible
Chick Tract# 1038: There Go The Dinosaurs
The New Testament Bible Numerics
The Two Babylons
The Vanishing Proof of Evolution
Joseph King of Dreams (Film - 2000)
Prince of Egypt (Film - 1998)
Powerful! Dr Peter Ruckman's Testimony To Jesus Christ
Should Christians Observe the Sabbath?
Why do I believe in a pre-tribulation Rapture
Chick Tract# 0900: Who, Me?