We come now to a lesson that deals with the work of the angels and the fall of the angels. We have discussed at some length the existence of angels. Angels are real beings in the word of God.
The word “angel” first occurs in Genesis 16:7, where the angel of the Lord ministered to Hagar
after Sarai had mistreated her. The angels were created by God, but the time of creation is not revealed. We read in Colossians 1:16, “For by him were all things created.” Angels came to minister to Jesus at the great temptation (Matt. 4:11). In Matthew 18:10, Jesus Christ speaks of angels of children appearing in heaven. Nowhere was it ever said that a guardian angel accompanies you on your work down here, although this is possible. The fact of the matter is every angel in the Bible turns out to be an appearance. When we read about “the angel of the LORD,” we have the appearance of the Lord. Sometimes the definite article indicates the specific appearance, sometimes an appearance.
The word “angel” does NOT mean basically a “messenger.” As a matter of fact, many angels have nothing to do with messages. Angels are “ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation,” not bring messages. An angel killed 185,000 soldiers in one night (2 Kings 19:35) without delivering any message. One angel slew 70,000 Israelites following David’s sin (2 Sam. 24) and delivered no message. The nonsensical teaching taught at Christian schools and institutes that an angel is primarily a messenger comes from a rather ridiculous interpretation of Revelation chapters 2–3, which makes the angel the pastor of the local church. This is the kind of balled-up exegesis one can often get into when following the Scofield notes instead of following the word of God.
Every angel in the Bible is a thirty-three year old male. There are no sexless angels in the Bible, there are no angels with wings. If you will study angels, you will find in Genesis chapters 19–20 that they are young men. In Revelation chapter 21 it is a man. If some have “entertained angels unawares” (Heb. 13), then don’t you think for a minute that angels have wings. They do not. Every angel in the Bible is a thirty three year old male without wings. Now, we realize this scriptural, scientific, infallible, absolute truth of the authoritative King James Bible runs contrary to every commentary or book on angels, but that is “par for the course.” Where the modern, apostate Fundamentalist has rejected the King James Bible as the final authority, he can’t find the truth. Angels are thirty-three year old males. As a matter of fact, this is so true that Jesus Christ is called “the angel of God” in Galatians chapter 4, and in Acts chapter 27 when Paul is on board the ship, he said, “For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve.”
The Lord Jesus Christ in the Old Testament appears as “The Angel of the Lord,” and of course, this is a Theophany: an appearance of God. Every angel in the Bible then is an APPEARANCE. Michael the archangel, instead of being a messenger, stands as the prince, “the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people” (Dan. 12:1)
The nations have appearances in heaven, represented by angels. Children have appearances in heaven, represented by angels. Local churches (Rev. 2–3) have appearances in heaven which are represented by angels. That is, for everything down here, there is a counterpart up there. This advanced scientific knowledge from the absolute, infallible authority of the infallible English corrects all Greek and Hebrew texts and all Greek and Hebrew professors in the apostate Fundamental schools today who have rejected the word of God for superstitious “originals.” Angels are thirty three year old males where they appear, and when Satan appeared to Eve he appeared as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:13–14).
The angels are immortal (Luke 20:35–36), without material bodies, knowing nothing of decay or death. The only angels that died like men (Ps. 82) were the ones that “kept not their first estate” (Jude 6). Therefore, we see the Scofield notes are entirely wrong by at least sixteen counts in regard to these matters.
Angels seem to be innumerable (Rev. 5:11). In Matthew 26:53, Jesus spoke of being able to call for twelve legions of angels, which would number from three thousand to six thousand apiece. In 2 Kings 6:17, the servant of Elisha saw the mountain was full of chariots of fire round about Elisha. These, doubtless, were appearances. Here they were appearances of troops.
The word “angel” can always match the word “appearance,” although it cannot always match the word “messenger.” The proof of this is opening your Bible and studying. Angels were described by our Lord as being holy (Mark 8:38), but the pure and holy angels in Mark 8:38 are the “spirits of just men made perfect.” After all, a third of the angels have yet to fall (Rev.12).
Angels were originally created holy (Luke 9:26). We read about “elect angels” in 1 Timothy 5:21 and more angels falling at a later time. Second Peter 2:4 speaks of angels that fell in the past and sinned. These are the ones who showed up in Genesis chapter 6 and cohabited with women on this earth (Gen. 6:1–4). There was also cohabitation, evidently, with ANIMALS, which is why bestiality is warned against in Leviticus chapter 20.
As a result of the fall, the angels are awaiting judgment according to Jude 6. In Matthew 25:41 we read that “hell fire” was prepared for the devil and his angels. The devil’s angels are mentioned in Revelation chapter 12 as falling at a future date and coming down to this earth from outer space at a future date. Right now, the scientific world, the educational world, and the News Media are preparing you to receive them.
The angels left their first estate, cohabited with women (and probably animals), and these fallen angels are kept in “chains of darkness reserved unto the judgment of the great day” (Jude 6), which is why Paul said to the Christians in Corinth (1 Cor. 6:1–4), “Know ye not that we shall judge angels?”
About the work of angels. In heaven their work is to worship and serve the Lord (Rev. 5:11–12; Rev. 8:3). On earth, they run errands for the Lord. One showed Hagar a fountain in Genesis. One appeared before Joshua with a sword. One released the chains from Peter, opening his prison door (Acts 12). They feed, strengthen, and defend God’s children, according to the record. An angel cooked a breakfast one time for Elijah, took care of Paul in the boat, and strengthened Paul when he was in prison.
Their work also includes exercising God’s judgments and purposes. The angel of the Lord blocked Balaam’s pathway in Numbers chapter 22. An angel of the Lord killed Herod in Acts 12:23. Angels are in charge of gathering the unsaved people at the battle of Armageddon to burn them in the Lake of Fire (Matt. 13:41–42).
They also guide believers, for we read that an angel guided Philip to meet the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:26. They assist, protect, and strengthen the saints, according to Daniel 6:22 and Luke 4:11. They will accompany our Lord when He returns (Matt. 25:31). They take the Lord’s children to heaven at death (Luke 16:22).
They had a part in giving the Law (Gal. 3:19), because we must remember that an angel is an appearance. You will remember the angel appeared to Moses in Sinai at the bush, and the angel of the Lord said, “I AM THAT I AM.” Therefore an angel is an appearance every place you find it in either Testament, and never should it be mistaken for such a trivial thing as a “messenger.” This comes from taking the word for “angel” in the Old Testament and getting the meaning from it that is attached to other messengers, in other places, where the word is the same.
About the ABODE of angels: their present abode is in heaven, and yet a third of them will fall in the future (Rev.12). Angels (and our first parents) were both created perfect: angels as spirits and Adam and Eve as fleshy human beings.
However, in some ways man is superior to angels in that angels are not allowed to preach the gospel (Gal. 1). Men will one day judge angels (1 Cor. 6:3), and of course they will be the fallen angels referred to in Jude 6 and 2 Peter chapter 2. This greater honor is indeed glorious, yet a humbling thought for a saved man. Though we fell into sin, God will yet in the future raise us up higher than angels in Jesus Christ. “What is man, that thou art mindful of him”...Thou madest him a little lower than the angels” (Heb 2:6–7). And as someone has said, “He made man a little lower than the angels, and man’s been getting lower ever since.”
Or as another wry wit said, “God made man a little lower than the angels, which puts the angels in a pretty bad shape.”
When the angels sinned, the Lord did not provide a Saviour for them because the truth of the matter is when they were first created they were spirits—“ministering spirits”—and they had no blood. The angels “which kept not their first estate” gained blood by various and devious means which we cannot discuss in this lesson.
The truth of the matter is the fallen angels did obtain blood by some means, or they could not procreate and reproduce, which they did. And though they were gods (Ps. 82), they died like men, and they were called gods but got blood like men. One must remember the highly accurate and scientific, infallible authority of the King James Bible is advanced far above any Greek or Hebrew lexicon written by Gesenius, Weiss, Mulligan, Milton, Souter, Berry, Delitzsch, or any 3.500 Greek or Hebrew scholars, living or dead. “When in doubt, throw scholarship out.”
Source from Theological Studies Vol. II - The Work and Fall of Angels - Peter Ruckman
How to go to Heaven? Find out in the short video below
GOD's Simple Plan of Salvation
If you were to die today for any reason, are you 100% sure you will go to heaven?
This video explains the SIMPLE TRUTH according to the Scriptures. The only way to go to heaven is by:
(1) Admitting that you are a sinner
(2) Believing on the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior and Lord
(3) Repenting (meaning you are willing to turn away from your sins) of your sins then confessing your sins to God
Jesus Christ willingly sacrificed Himself and shed His precious blood on the cross as a substitute for you, so that you don't have to burn in hell for all eternity because of your sins, and have eternal life in heaven instead.
Watch the video to learn what Scripture says of God's great plan of salvation for you and how to receive His free gift. This is wonderful news. We pray you surrender to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and to know 100% for sure you will go to heaven when you die!
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“And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.” (Luke 4:4)